Energy and Environment Research Group, Inc. (EERG) provides a wide range of intelligent management, specialized consulting, and technical services in the energy and environmental field. EERG is composed of a diverse and complementary array of professionals and service groups including engineers, environmental planners, information technologists, regulatory experts, and laboratories. From these experts we form a team to work with our clients’ special needs, assuring project completion in a quick and most cost effective manner.
EERG view of energy is a unit by which all things and beings should be measured. We realize energy as a common denominators for everything that exists and as standard by which we measure all dimension of life and resources; processes and designs; man’s relation with nature and how he uses that; …
EERG uses energy standard to form a model for need-specific design and management criteria of our clients. We know about the future struggle facing all facets of our life and the relation between the economy and energy. We enhance the economics well being of our clients, and the communities they serve, by maximizing their overall operation system efficiency.
EERG’s network of alliances makes possible to provide the widest range of “strategically and technologically available” source of alternative energy
Our team will work in tandem with your personnel in the design and management of environmental remediation projects to satisfy regulatory and budget constraints, as well as the needs of local communities and adjacent property owners. Our goal is to complete projects smoothly, swiftly, and bring them to acceptable standard closure.
EERG will enable its clients to reduce environmental liability by assisting completion of contaminated sites remediation as required by the federal and state regulatory agencies. Our environmental services include special expertise in the assessment and remediation of energy related waste sites including their community relations’ component.
Our Mission
•To transfer information and knowledge for the better use of energy and protecting natural resources.
•To reflect our responsibilities to better the quality of life by helping to preserve our environment and resources on this planet, so they can be sustained and available for the future generations and all beings.
•To educate, train, assist and provide direction on how to streamline the way we do things.